OHSNA could not exist without the generous donations from businesses such as yours. Over the years we have had a handful of wonderful, generous and very consistent sponsors. In return, OHSNA makes every effort to see that these individuals are highly profiled in our communications, on our website and with any other promotions they may be involved in.
Today we still need all the help we can get to achieve our future goals. There is still so much more for us to do. We need people like you and businesses like yours to get us there.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill in the attached form and submit it to our office.
If you would like further information on any of these sponsors please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you in advance for you time and consideration in sponsoring OHSNA. If you would like more information on sponsoring the OHSNA, please contact us.
The PLATINUM Sponsor $3000.00 and UP Amount $_____________________________
Our platinum sponsor will be provided the opportunity to address our OHSNA members at our Annual General Meeting with a presentation during a specific time slot designed specifically for you…our Platinum Sponsor. This level of sponsorship will provide you with the opportunity to place an advertisement in flash mode on the main page of the OHSNA website as well as a link to your own business. Included with this level we will email and or mail out any promo or advertising material to our members on your behalf, and you will have a sponsor bio page on our website. In addition, you will receive thanks and appreciation from our Master of Ceremonies at the AGM.
The GOLD sponsor $2000.00 to $2999.99 Amount $_____________________________
The Gold Sponsors’ advertisement will be displayed in flash mode on the main page of the OHSNA website as well as a link to their own site. Included in your sponsorship is designated presentation slot at out AGM to use for your advertising purposes.
The SILVER sponsor $1000.00 to $1999.00 Amount $____________________________
The Silver Sponsor will be thanked and listed in promo package at our AGM. This sponsor will also be listed as a sponsor on our website.
The Bronze Sponsor $500.00 to $999.99 Amount $_____________________________
The Bronze Sponsor will be listed as a sponsor on our website.
Once you have completed this form please submit it by fax or email. Should you have any questions or concerns we would be more than happy to assist you. Please do not hesitate to call us at 1-888-440-4966.