Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful summer. For those that attended our AGM and our loyal sponsors, thank you for showing your support and taking the time to learn what is happening behind the scenes and making it another successful and enjoyable event. The main focus at this AGM was the new contracts for the HSC, now called CHO (Community Homes For Opportunity) program. OHSNA has spent a lot of time, effort and resources making sure the homeowners and clients are fairly represented and funded. We discussed the 27 main issues we were not in full agreement with in the contracts, established by the executive and the London area homeowners. Out of those 27 issues the Ministry responded positively to 23. There were still 3 or 4 major issues that we were not comfortable with in the model of the program; funding structure, 90% cap and dispute resolution process and did not want to sign until these were addressed. The day ended with all participants being trained in overdose prevention, recognition and treatment with Naloxone, and everyone received their own Naloxone overdose kits to take home. Overall it was very successful AGM.
In June pressure came on strong from the Ministry to sign the contracts in phase one for the London area. Our Lawyers were unhappy with the dispute resolution process, but found no other alarming points in the contracts that would have negative legal ramifications at this point, or other major issues that would prevent us from signing. The Ministry made it clear that the contracts were to be signed by June 1st 2018, or they would face penalties with the one time funding( basically sign, or you wont get paid). Obviously the June 7 election has opened some new doors for us with the Progressive Concervative party winning. This was great for OHSNA and our homes. The Minister of Health and Deputy Premier, Christine Elliot is from the Newmarket-Aurora riding and knows our homes very well, with many in her riding. She had previously supported us in our letter drive to Dr. Bell, stating that our homes were severely underfunded.
Caroline Mulroney, MPP York-Simcoe, Minister of Attorney General, has also worked closely with OHSA and some of us had the chance to meet with her at Connies’ home in December with Julia Munroe. Vic Fideli, MPP Nippising,Minister of Finance,in our north region has has already met with our north director and stated he “didn’t know how we could possibly do what we do on the funds we recieve”. We have a huge opportnuity now with many open doors and great supporters to continue our quest for proper funding and have the CHO program structure more suited to our needs.
In July we had our first meeting with the Minister of Health, to inform her of our current issues and provide her with the information neccessary to move forward with the changes we need. Christine responded very quickly and we had our meeting with in 24 hours of our request. She promised to look into our situation and get back to us in a very timely manor. We informed her our area would most likely be the next phase to roll out in the fall, pressing the importance on her role even further.
We will keep you up to date as new meetings and information comes. As always you are the voice of OHSNA and ecouraged to reach out, share your opinions and get involved. Contact yor area directors, attend meetings and send us any questions you have. We hope you all have a great summer and enjoy the beautiful weather !!