Hello members,
Thank you to everyone that came out for our Annual General Meeting on May 11 and 12 2017. It was a very successful day and we again had well over 100 people in attendance. We had Ministry representatives from both Supportive Housing and HSC who talked about the modernization of HSC and what to expect with future updates for HwRS. They divided members into groups and took feedback from homeowners on current issues and what they would like to see happen with the modernization. I have attached below the discussion feedback and your presidents response document. As always the social night was a lot of fun and a great way to network and bond with your fellow home owners. A big thank you to all of our sponsors who help make this event possible:
Adriatic Insurance Brokers Ltd., Arthur J. Ghallager ltd., Healthcare Rx Pharmacy, Mike Dowdall, RemedysRx Specialty Pharmacy, Shmukler Realty, Seamless Care Pharmacy, Smart Meds Pharmacy, Sutton Apothecary, Total Health Pharmacy, TD Bank Group
Your Executive is continuing to meet with The MOHLTC monthly to help develop the modernization of the HSC program and they have been great, really listening to and understanding our concerns and needs to give better support and care to all of our clients. I have also attached below a link to the Supportive Housing Policy Framework which was handed out at the AGM as well as the Supportive Housing Best Practice Guide and a link to the MOHLTC regarding funding.
https://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page15268.aspx (please copy and paste this link into your browser)