Hello Everyone,
Invoicing has been mailed out along with a membership form for all homes, so we can keep our information up to date. A save the date letter was also included, letting everyone know of our upcoming meeting on Wednesday March from 10am -1pm. This meeting is for all members and non members from every region. The invitation with zoom link will go out by email. Please also check out and follow our new instagram page.
Hi Everyone,
The link for the recorded 2022 AGM is below for those that missed it, or would like to re watch.
Hello Everyone,
Invitations to this years’ OHSNA AGM have gone out via email, so please check your folders if you have not received it yet. The Zoom links have been sent to dues paid homes, and you MUST PRE REGISTER with this link. Please do so ASAP, as you wont be able to just click the link and join the day of, without registering. The AGM will be Friday, September 23 from 9-4. If you have any difficulties or questions, please email me at [email protected]. We will have multiple speakers as well as a Paralegal training on Landlord rights and the Landlord Tenant Act with regards to our care homes.
Below are the changes that the government made to the re-introduced Budget….
Economic and Fiscal Outlook
Direct Tutoring Supports for Students
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Enhancements
From: Leanna Karremans
Sent: August 9, 2022 1:59 PM
Subject: Ontario Re-Introduces Budget 2022
This afternoon Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy re-introduced the government’s 2022 Budget in the Ontario Legislature through the introduction of Bill 2, An act to implement budget measures and to enact and amend various statues.
The budget document was first tabled in late April, but before any debate or discussion could take place, the legislature was adjourned so that MPPs could campaign for the June election. The budget then became Premier Doug Ford’s re-election platform. A copy of the budget released in April, entitled: Ontario’s Plan to Build, can be accessed online at: https://budget.ontario.ca/2022/index.html
The re-tabled budget is nearly the same as the one presented in April, but with some slight tweaks.
At this time, we know the budget contains the following changes:
· A five per cent increase in funding for the Ontario Disability Support Program
· A new two-year $225-million child benefit “to provide direct payments to parents to help their kids catch up. This funding is on top of the more than $26.6 billion the province is investing in public education.
· Income-tax cuts for hundreds of thousands of Ontarians earning less than $50,000 a year and touts two controversial new highways in the Greater Toronto Area.
Full details with respect to changes to the budget have not been released – stay tuned as more information becomes available.
Today the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, delivered the Speech from the Throne.
A copy of the speech can be found online here:https://news.ontario.ca/en/speech/1002230/together-lets-build-ontario