Dear Connie, To say we are living in unprecedented times feels like an understatement. The outbreak of COVID-19 can cause fear and anxiety. It is easy—and perfectly normal—to feel overwhelmed. But know you are not alone, and our team at CAMH Foundation is here to share some helpful information.
The safety and wellbeing of everyone in the CAMH family is our top priority, and in times of great uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to remember that mental health is health.
That’s why CAMH is working on a knowledge hub that will answer common COVID-19 concerns and questions, provide tips for coping with stress and anxiety, talk about how to deal with quarantine and isolation, and break down stigma and prejudice surrounding this illness. Stay tuned to your inbox for more information on that in the coming days.
In the meantime, you can check here for information on how CAMH is joining other Toronto region hospitals and taking proactive measures to flatten the curve of this virus.
Also, our team at the Foundation is working remotely over the next few weeks as a recommended measure of safety for everyone’s wellbeing. As always, we are available during normal operating hours to assist with any questions or concerns you might have. Please know that we are grateful for your ongoing support through this difficult time.
Connie, you’re an important member of the mental health movement—and we’ll draw on that strength and resilience to get through this together.
Stay well,
Deborah Gillis President & CEO
CAMH Foundation