Dowload file for PPE gown procedure -click below
Hi Connie,
Let me start by saying that we absolutely recognize, value and appreciate what you and your staff are doing on the frontlines to provide care to vulnerable clients, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The need for PPE in your homes that you have raised has most definitely been flagged within the ministry. Please know that we are all doing everything possible to highlight the need as well as figure out solutions with respect to PPE.
You would have seen the Minister’s order yesterday that aims to get a clear sense of who has what in terms of PPE, the gaps, and look to effectively redistribute and/or provide PPE. I’m attaching that Order and update on PPE here for you ease of reference. You will also find information in the attached PPE Update on the provincial efforts to address the need for PPE. Furthermore, you would have been asked to complete a survey on PPE as required by the Minister’s Order.
For current critical shortages of PPE in your HSC homes, please contact the Regional Leads (see the list below) who will work within their region/regional table and with other local health care providers to determine if others in their local area have supplies they can provide to your homes. I believe the region for your homes would be “Central”.
Regional Leads:
I hope this information is helpful. Once again, I can’t thank you and the other HSC and CHO homeowners enough for all that you are doing.
Please continue to be safe and take good care.